THC Cannabis Social Clubs Malta
Smoking Cannabis in Malta is easy. We get high and give you insight into the emerging weed culture. Cannabis Clubs, THC regulations, 420 & more...
Where to Smoke Cannabis in Malta?
As said earlier, smoking outside is illegal (Punishable by a small fine). But unless you devote yourself to really annoy people, you will be fine. Am I telling you to break the law and smoke outside? Well, I can't.. but use your brain. If you're alone on the beach and smoke a spliff, no harm is made, but if you see a family especially with kids and you start smoking 2 meter away from them... then you're just begging to get fined.
Use your brain and you'll find opportunities to smoke THC wherever you are.
Police & Cannabis in Malta 👮
Unless you are deliberately importing/carrying/trafficking huge amounts of high THC Cannabis - you will be fine. Law states that an adult person in Malta is allowed to carry up to 7 grams of Cannabis flower without facing prosecution while also store up to 50 grams at home.
Smoking outside is not permitted however as previously explained, use your brain and you will be completely fine.
Cannabis in Malta 🤩
So what's it like to get high on Cannabis in Malta? The feelings may surprise novice users and it's important to start from a low to moderate potency product if it's your first time. Getting high on pot can be a very pleasurable experience, the main feelings are; relaxation, creativity, enhanced body sensations, food cravings (the munchies!), euphoria and periods of intense hysterical laughter. Make sure the set and setting are adequate and stay away from dangerous activities like driving & operating heavy machinery and everything shall be fine!
But how do these effects combine with visiting Malta... Absolutely perfect! Malta is a stoner's paradise, thanks to it's diverse variety of restaurants and mini markets your munchies will never be left un-fulfilled! Furthermore, Malta is a small island meaning transportation is a breeze and also incredibly cheap (compared to Netherlands and other so-called sophisticated countries). The many beaches you can visit coupled with the best lounges and night life you can imagine make it a top location for a cannabis 420 holiday. No wonder tourists are raining in everyday, and smoking a cumulative amount comparable to a volcano eruption 😎
Cannabis Clubs - THC Weed?
If you are a Maltese resident, buying Cannabis is only a WhatsApp text away (Once you are already a member). If you are a tourist visiting the island it is a bit more complex but still quite easy, you'd just have to find a great cannabinoid shop like this one. The weed culture in Malta is blooming, and smoking it outside (even though illegal against a fine) is super, super, superrrrr common 💨
You can smell weed almost anywhere... no joke 🤣
2024 is the boom of cannabis in Malta. People of all ages are enjoying the herb, and walking along a busy promenade during Summer time will undoubtably fill your nose with lovely pot terpenes. You will also occasionally encounter some angry locals, annoyed at how Malta lost all of it's values while throwing fake coughs to pretend the almost completely dispersed smoke damaged their 100 year old tobacco leached lungs 🤣🚬
Weed Culture in Malta
We believe that in the very near future cannabis will become as popular as alcohol and eventually even surpass the tobacco industry. Currently , meta studies suggest that in Malta around 20% of the adult population uses Cannabis regularly and it's there primary choice when it comes to recreational drugs.
With Malta legalizing Cannabis and allowing cannabis social clubs, the supply increased dramatically but the demand did as well. Locals and tourists are looking to buy and smoke Marijuana but the cannabis clubs are not producing enough supply. This difference between supply and demand allowed the black market to keep thriving even despite the government's effort to curb such market.
Needless to say locals and tourists will always find a way to smoke weed and get high if they really want to, so it might be a good idea to properly legalize the herb and allow proper distribution for the whole adult population as well as non-residents.
Luckily, Aromatic Buds offers legal cannabis alternatives which are just as potent (sometimes a bit more potent than THC), super duper high quality, wide selection and also same day delivery all over Malta. You just have to be over 18 years of age to purchase from the Online Store!
Can you smoke and socialise in Weed club in Malta?
Let's face the facts, legislators didn't do the best job when it comes to social clubs. Malta is still not like Spain or the Netherlands. There are currently no place/s dedicated to smoking Cannabis and chilling/socializing. This is a real pity, and we really hope it will be changed in the future. The cannabis clubs in Malta are only allowed to sell their product to customers and smoking inside the premise is not permitted.
On top of that, THC weed clubs in Malta can only sell Cannabis flower, no edibles, no concentrates, no hash, no vapes no extra fun! Take your flower and leave 🤣. Jokes aside, we're very happy with the movement that allowed social Cannabis clubs in Malta but there are definitely many short comings which we hope will be fixed in the future to allow locals and even tourists to buy Cannabis in Malta and enjoy a wide selection of THC Vapes, THC Hash, Cannabis Concentrates and THC Edibles in Malta with the comfort and convenience of a same day delivery, like what's already happening in the USA!
Is Malta the perfect Cannabis destination? Probably not... There is still a long way to go and many hurdles to overcome to see the proper THC Cannabis Clubs operating at full swing and allowing proper Cannabis vocations and Cannabis Holidays in Malta.
However, Malta is still geographically a true stoners paradise. Beaches, delicious food, vibrant night life, Mediterranean culture and relatively easy access to high quality cannabis as well as a cannabis friendly government!
Blog finished, time to get high 🚀